If you were suddenly unable to work due to an illness or accident, what would you do? How would you live while recuperating and how would your monthly bills get paid? 7 in 10 working adults would be financially strapped within a month’s time if their monthly paycheck was disrupted and one in four would have financial trouble immediately.
When we think about our financial assets, the biggest one that we all possess is the ability to earn a paycheck. Doesn’t it make sense then to protect it just in case you become temporarily or permanently disabled?
For these reasons, you should seriously consider purchasing
disability insurance. It’s an easy way to continue to receive a monthly income that can help pay for your monthly obligations until you are able to return to work.
Types of Disability Insurance
There are different types of disability insurance, so let’s take a look at some of the options.
1. Worker’s Compensation: All states require employers to provide Worker’s Compensation to their employees in case they were to suffer an accident or illness on the job. However, if your disability was not work related, you do not qualify for Worker’s Compensation benefits.
2. State Disability Insurance: Some states—like California, provides a partial wage replacement insurance (short-term disability insurance) that is paid for through employee payroll deductions. State disability insurance usually lasts for up to six months.
3. Social Security Disability Insurance: Disability insurance is offered through Social Security, aka the Federal Government, but getting approved is difficult. Well over 50% of applicants are denied, and as of 2012, the average monthly payment was $1,130.
4. Group Disability Insurance: Many disability insurance policies are issued as a group insurance policy offered through one’s employer. This can either be either a short-term disability policy (usually lasting 3 months) or a long-term disability policy (which pays out longer than short-term but at significantly lower amounts).
5. Individual Disability Insurance: This is a privately owned disability policy that you purchase on your own and is the most flexible of all the options mentioned above for the mere reason that it is a portable policy. That means that if you were to quit or become laid off from your current job you would not lose your policy benefits (if premiums are paid). It can be taken with you at anytime. Most plans pay between 40-65% of your gross salary. Benefits received can be income tax-free if paid for with after-tax dollars.
Another type of Individual Disability Insurance is KeyMan or Key Person Insurance which is a disability policy that a business owner pays for on one of his valuable employees. The employer is the owner and beneficiary of the policy.
As you can see, there are options for you if you were to become disabled during your working years. To protect yourself and your family adequately though, you best bet is to purchase an Individual Disability Insurance policy as well as accept any disability insurance policy that is provided to you through your employer in the form of Group Disability Insurance.
At BJF Insurances, we can offer you the
best disability insurance rates in California and Nevada
from only A+ rated insurance carriers. We make the application process easy and seamless. For more information on Individual Disability Insurance, visit: www.bjfinsuranceservices.com.