is a subject matter not thought about in great length. Especially those who are young and in good health. Afterall, what’s the point in investing in life insurance if you are not going to be dying soon?
Life is unpredictable. No one knows when their time may be up, so taking the initiative to plan now, can save your spouse and family from financial disaster later.
Think about this for a moment: Who will pay for your mortgage, your car payment (s), your credit card debt, if your monthly salary suddenly disappears? Can your spouse, your significant other or your kids keep their current lifestyle if you were gone?
This is where term life insurance makes a lot of sense, especially for young people just starting out. Instead of looking into other investments, looking for straight protection for a limited amount of time at prices you can afford, is what makes term life insurance very appealing.
What is Term Life Insurance?
As I mentioned earlier,
term life insurance
is a great solution for people with temporary needs or a limited budget. Just as the name implies, term life provides you protection for a specific amount of time and pays out a death benefit if you die during its term. Term policies can range from on year to 40 years, with 20-year term as the most common policy to own.
Know Your Term
To figure out the length of term you need, think about your longest financial obligation. If you have a 30-year mortgage, you may want to cover that with 30 years of
term life insurance. If you don’t have a mortgage, think about how many years you would need to provide for your family if something were to happen to you.
How Does it Work?
First, you apply with a licensed agent followed by a very short medical exam that can be done at your home, work or at a neighboring medical facility. Depending on your age, and health and sometimes the amount of coverage sought, usually all that is required during the exam is drawing blood, providing a urine sample, taking your blood pressure, your weight and asking some follow-up medical questions about your current health. That’s it. Based on all the information submitted to the insurance company’s underwriter, you are either approved or declined. In some cases, if there are extenuating circumstances, you could be approved, but might have to pay a higher rate of premium than what was quoted to you initially. Whether your approval comes back exactly as quoted or you are “rated” higher, you do not have to accept the policy. The decision is completely up to you without you providing any upfront money. Should you decide to accept the policy, your premium payment is calculated on either a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Once your term ends, so does paying your premium. If you were to pass away during your term (and premiums were being paid), your designated beneficiary would receive the death benefit amount.
The Benefits of Term Life
The biggest benefit to owning a term life policy, or any life policy for that matter, is peace of mind. Knowing that if something were to happen to you, your life insurance death benefit could be used to send your kids to college as planned, pay off your mortgage so that your family doesn’t have to move, pay off other existing debt or could be used as income replacement for your surviving spouse. It’s never too early to start thinking about protecting your family. Term life insurance aims at fulfilling your obligations today and your family’s needs tomorrow.